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$ 72 / 96
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service breakdown
15 mins
  1. Required for any color, new client, or tape-in services
  2. All information and estimates are provided before next appointment
  3. Video consults are available upon request and are subject to these RULES
Additional Info
All consults are meant to analyze, adjust, and prepare for your treatments or services, to ensure that you will receive the most accurate and desired look. The accuracy and effectiveness in consultations are to inform you how much process and product will be used in your hair, though during application, your hair may react differently to the products and will need to be adjusted to keep hair/scalp healthy.
special things & savings
Additional Info
All consults are meant to analyze, adjust, and prepare for your treatments or services, to ensure that you will receive the most accurate and desired look. The accuracy and effectiveness in consultations are to inform you how much process and product will be used in your hair, though during application, your hair may react differently to the products and will need to be adjusted to keep hair/scalp healthy.