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$ 72 / 96
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116 / 307
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service breakdown
60-90 mins
  1. Traditional highlights, maintenance, or babylights based on foil use and the coverage area/time necessary
  2. Foil 15: highlight maintenance service that covers the front hairline only
  3. Foil 30: highlight maintenance service that covers the front hairline and part-line
  4. Foil 60: 1-hour bleach placement with different methods of application
  5. Foil 90: high-impact lightening service that can achieve several different styles
Additional Info
For longer lasting results, protect your hair from intense sun exposure, as sunlight can alter the color. We recommend using products specifically formulated for bleached hair to ensure lasting results. Please avoid swimming pools or jacuzzis with heavy chlorine for 24-48 hours, as it can have an effect on the overall color. This service does not include base retouch, blow-dry, styling, or toner. Bleach formulas are based on an accurate analysis of current and previous recordings and guests are charged based on the amount of product used. Bleach estimations vary by hair length and density amount, and are subject to change based on the hair's reaction to the product.
special things & savings
Additional Info
For longer lasting results, protect your hair from intense sun exposure, as sunlight can alter the color. We recommend using products specifically formulated for bleached hair to ensure lasting results. Please avoid swimming pools or jacuzzis with heavy chlorine for 24-48 hours, as it can have an effect on the overall color. This service does not include base retouch, blow-dry, styling, or toner. Bleach formulas are based on an accurate analysis of current and previous recordings and guests are charged based on the amount of product used. Bleach estimations vary by hair length and density amount, and are subject to change based on the hair's reaction to the product.