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130 / 180
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service breakdown
50-80 mins
  1. Involves creating suction on the skin using cups, aimed at increasing blood circulation, relieving muscle tension, and promoting cell repair.
  2. Ideal for individuals experiencing muscle soreness or joint pain
  3. Cups are placed on targeted areas and suction is created by pump.
  4. All spa services include access to the spa amenities. It is recommended to utilize the spa after your service, to receive the best results with optimal comfort.
  5. We recommend arriving 15 mins. before your appointment, to ensure you are ready for your scheduled service.
Additional Info
All spa services require a preliminary assessment and review of your current condition and desired targeted areas. Please inform us of any surgeries, injuries, and/or medications that may effect the service. Members cannot be under the influence during the administering of services and it is recommended to refrain from consumption of any alcohol for 2-3 hours following your service. We advise all members to avoid any extreme physical activity after your service, for the remaining of the day. Post treatment guidance will be provided once service has been completed to ensure optimal results and recovery.
special things & savings
Additional Info
All spa services require a preliminary assessment and review of your current condition and desired targeted areas. Please inform us of any surgeries, injuries, and/or medications that may effect the service. Members cannot be under the influence during the administering of services and it is recommended to refrain from consumption of any alcohol for 2-3 hours following your service. We advise all members to avoid any extreme physical activity after your service, for the remaining of the day. Post treatment guidance will be provided once service has been completed to ensure optimal results and recovery.